Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3M Has Found the Gold

It takes companies like 3M who strive to become leaders within the industry.  With the latest flooring and sandpaper technology, “3M Has Found the Gold”.  We’re talking about the “Easy Change Floor Sanding Discs” in various grits ranging  up to 150.

We tested the 120 grit Gold Easy Change disc backed up with the 3M thin white driver pad.  This parquet floor (photo below) was drum sanded to 120 grit in both directions.  The normal process would have included hard-plating or screening to remove drum marks.  In many cases over screening produces dish-out which does not happen using this soft-plate technique with the gold easy change discs.  As you can see in the photo below there is not one sanding mark in the floor. 

NWFC has personally tested and used this system for the past two years.  We have not used screening techniques since that period.  I highly recommend the 3M Easy Change Gold 120 grit for those who stain or finish wood floors. 

I guarantee you this system works. If you have any further questions regarding this product contact your 3M representative. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this system also(so many options with different pad configurations) and have eliminated the use of screens on our floors.
    Best regards,
    Doug Klewin
    Halal Hardwoods
